Nine frequent questions on transcreation
This blog post provides answers to nine frequently asked questions that translators have about transcreation.
This blog post provides answers to nine frequently asked questions that translators have about transcreation.
Transkreation benötigt man nicht nur in der Werbung, sondern im Grunde immer dann, wenn ein Text in einer anderen Sprache inspirieren und motivieren soll. Wann immer eine Botschaft wichtig ist und aufgrund kultureller Unterschiede teils umfassend adaptiert werden muss, ist Transkreation im Sinne des Transkreations-Kontinuums gefragt.
Reach out and work with professional translators as your partners. And expect to be impressed by how much they can help you with.
Transcreation is a holistic service that spans an entire continuum. The Transcreation Continuum — a useful concept developed by Nina Sattler-Hovdar.
If you are in charge of buying “marketing translations,” here’s how you can make your management love you.
Read these client-transcreator dialogues to learn more about what transcreators do and how they can help you save your brand.
In my workshops (and elsewhere) I always insist on the importance of client communication. Meaning: As a linguist – hence, a service provider – you need to be clear and specific in your communication with (prospective) clients.
If you are a buyer of translations, and want those translations to be the best fit for your purposes, there is one thing in particular that you should be aware of: Translations aren’t a one-way street.
Falls Sie als Profi den Asterix-Effekt noch nicht kennen: Keine Bange, das ist keine Wissenslücke. Ich habe die Bezeichnung erfunden, weil sie mir so anschaulich erscheint und eine perfekte Ergänzung meiner Ausführungen zur Bild-Text-Kongruenz in meinem Buch darstellt.
What can you do when you have a marketing text translated and then realize, upon seeing the translation, that the target text is not at all what you expected?